Bachelor of Arts

Ministerial Studies

Degree Overview

The ministerial degree program is designed for individuals who desire a directed study in the Christian ministries component of their degree. The program has a focus on theology and sermon preparation material and is geared toward those seeking a pulpit ministry. A Minor component may be added, and a six-credit practical application component is required based on life/ministry experience.

Degree Details

Degree Type: Bachelor of Arts

Credit Hours: 129

  1. The student will demonstrate maturity in Christ through a life controlled and directed by the Holy Spirit.
  2. The student will gain a working knowledge of the Bible, its persons, places and events, its history, political and social background, and geography.
  3. The student will gain an understanding and application of the Bible to his personal life so that he may be a man of God qualified for the pastoral office.
  4. The student will become acquainted with the great doctrines of the Bible, the great systems of doctrine, particularly the Wesleyan-Arminian system, and the field of Biblical theology.
  5. The student will become acquainted with the philosophy, the religious ideas, and the problems of the contemporary world as the setting of his ministry.
  6. The student will be able to demonstrate the basic principles, methods and skills for a spiritually effective pastoral ministry.
  7. The student will be able to analyze a passage of scripture from an exegetical viewpoint and organize the truth homiletically, aptly using illustration, definition and parallel passages to make truth clear.
  8. The student will be acquainted with the history, theology and methods of evangelism and missions.

Total hours – 129 hours


  • Bible (30 hours)
    • Old Testament Survey
    • New Testament Survey
    • Pentateuch
    • Gospels (Life of Christ)
    • Acts
    • Romans
    • Theology of Holiness
    • Foundations of Faith
    • Bible Electives
  • General Education (45 hours)
    • English Composition
    • Rhetoric and Research
    • History of Western Civilization I or II
    • Lifespan Development
    • Introduction to Philosophy
    • General Psychology
    • Public Speaking
    • Fine Arts: (Music, Art, etc.)
    • Social Studies Elective
    • Literature Elective
    • Math Elective
    • Science Elective
    • Evangelism
    • Electives
  • Ministerial Education (48 hours)
    • Modern Church History
    • History of the Holiness Movement
    • Evangelism
    • Principles of Administration
    • Introduction to Counseling
    • Introduction to Homiletics
    • Hermeneutics
    • Expository Preaching
    • Pastoral Ministries
    • Church Business
    • Church Planting
    • Systematic Theology
    • Electives or a Minor
  • Optional Minor (18 hours)
  • Field Training (6 Hours)
    • Ministerial Internship

Pastoral Ministries

  • Objectives
    1. To acquaint the student with the various areas of need that he might encounter in fulfilling his role as leader of his congregation.
    2. To enable a student to analyze a passage of Scripture from an exegetical viewpoint and organize the truth so it may be presented in a sermon with clarity of thought.
    3. To acquaint the student with the role of evangelism so that he may be able to do the work of an evangelist, present the Gospel to individuals and groups, and develop outreach programs, both national and international, for the local church.
    4. To help the student demonstrate the basic principles, methods and skills needed for a vibrant, healthy, and prosperous church community.
  • Courses
    • Homiletics
    • Hermeneutics
    • Pastoral Ministries
    • Pastoral Counseling
    • Church Growth
    • Elective

Christian Counseling

  • Objectives
    1. To acquaint the student with basic counseling techniques that will assist him or her in nurturing emotional well-being in the lives of their parishioners or counselees.
    2. To prepare the student for handling losses and in-crises situations in the lives of his people.
    3. To assist the student in developing his/her ability to integrate the core concepts of psychology and counseling with the basic teachings of the Bible.
  • Courses
    • Marriage Counseling
    • Family Counseling
    • Lifespan Development
    • Crisis Counseling
    • Electives

Intercultural Studies

  • Objectives
    1. To acquaint the student with the historical mandate of missions and efforts which have been made in earlier times and with earlier methods.
    2. To acquaint the student with various kinds of missionary service, methods, and forms of strategy training that are needed to “disciple all nations”.
    3. To provide a right concept of the missionary’s role in relation to the national church, the local government, the mission board and the home church.
  • Courses
    • Introduction to Missions
    • Principles of Missions
    • Church Growth
    • Cross-Cultural Communications
    • World Religions
    • Elective

Christian Education

  • Objectives
    1. To provide the student with a Christian philosophy of instruction and purpose both in the classroom and in the church.
    2. To help the student understand the learning needs of various age groups and the levels of learning to be attempted.
    3. To acquaint the student with various teaching methods and skills which are effective in the learning process.
    4. To instill within the student a framework of professional attitudes and motivational techniques which are necessary for performing the role of teacher.
  • Courses
    • Fundamentals of Education I and II
    • Educational Psychology
    • Philosophy of Christian Education
    • Electives

Theological Studies

  • Objectives
    1. To enable the student to analyze a passage of Scripture from an exegetical viewpoint and organize the truth into a sermon with clarity of thought.
    2. To prepare the student in understanding theological concepts so that he may present apologetic and doctrinal defenses of his faith.
    3. To equip the student with tools for effective communication of doctrinal material for community ministry through the local church and/or its denominational affiliations.
  • Courses
    • Hermeneutics
    • Foundations of Faith
    • Theology I & II
    • Apologetics
    • Elective

Biblical Literature

  • Objectives
    1. To build on the required Bible core and provide the student with an overview of the entire scope of the books of the Bible.
    2. To equip the student with a proper means for interpretation and exegetical reading of the Scriptures.
    3. To acquaint the student with the historical journey of the Scriptures from their original writing to our contemporary society.
  • Courses
    • Hermeneutics
    • Genesis
    • Old Testament Historical Books
    • Daniel and Revelation
    • Major Prophets
    • Minor Prophets
    • History of the Bible

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